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Raccoglimento Parziale - Homoheterogeneity

Recording info

Homoheterogeneity, originally released in January 2015, is the debut album from
Raccoglimento Parziale, the duo formed by Andrea Giachetti and Stefano Meucci (The
Clover, Silent People). In eight dense tracks, the album builds piece by piece an arcane
language, made up of electromechanical beats, powerful basses, digitized guitars and
broken samples, assembled in a liquid and fluctuating atmosphere.
Homoheterogeneity is a microscope's view, a revealing blow-up over a cloud of microsounds,
sometimes digital, sometimes organic. It's a discovery of new life forms,
homo/heterogeneous to our eyes - and to our ears.
Delivered on vinyl 33 rpm and mastered by Frank Merritt at the Carvery in London, the album
boasts on the cover the experimental photographic work of Sandro Crisafi, who visually
recreated in the darkroom the chemistry that connects these fluctuating sounds.

Release Info


pos title
A1 Disembodied
A2 Screws and Atoms Between the Toes
A3 Two Friends
A4 Toughts on P.L. Ighina
B1 Synaptic Cleft Jokes
B2 The Androidns Birth
B3 Tender and Deformed
B4 We had Wonderful Clouds
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