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Amniote Editions

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Amniote Editions


Records on Amniote Editions
catalog# record title artists format
Total: 7 records
AE-MJ-001 Amniote Editions and Mala Junta present "The Collective Capsule" Various Artists 12"
HGB-8 Proof of Assets [printed sleeve] Intellagama a.k.a. Hasvat Informant 12"
HISEQ_ Let The Children Scream [printed sleeve] NGHTCRWLR a.k.a. Kris Esfandiari 12"
HOXD-13 Ripple Effect EP [printed sleeve] Sidewinder a.k.a. D.Dan 12"
TGF-B5 Imperfections In The Sun [printed sleeve] Mehen a.k.a. Hadone 12"
ZRS-1 Instant Molting 1.0 [printed sleeve] Atheris a.k.a. Julian Muller 12"
ZRS-2 Instant Molting 2.0 [printed sleeve] Atheris a.k.a. Julian Muller 12"

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