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Sacrestia Del Santissimo Sangue - Real Italian Occult Terrorism

Recording info

Reno. 2017. Steeples stab silhouettes into a blood stained night sky. Alessandro Parisi and Adamennon don their ceremonial cloaks for a mini album of Appennino's forests tinted terror. Eight tracks make up Real Italian Occult Terrorism, eight tracks that will transport you to a world of disappearances, ritualistic murders and only one possible culprit: Sacrestia Del Santissimo Sangue. From sheathed divinity to opulent baseness, this LP is a deep and chilling work of movie score dark arts.

Release Info


pos title
01 Alla Gloria Del Supremo Vendicatore
02 Sovrana Sofferenza
03 Purificazione Dei Penitenti
04 Al Cospetto Del Giudizio
05 Tra Le Tenebre Solo Fiamme
06 Il Sigillo Della Luce Nella Pietra
07 La Preghiera Dei Dannati
08 Il Plenilunio Del Sungue
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