Born in Los Angeles, Brian Gibbs was exposed to music at a very early age. Childhood ventures into the soul sounds of the era led him to a deep love for Motown and an addiction to free jazz. Gibbs thrust himself into music and was sucked into hip hop upon reaching adolescence. Hip hop music begat a desire to manipulate sound and use emerging technology to continue the tradition of improvisation laid down by the experimental visionaries of jazz. In the early 90's, Brian Gibbs was part of a promotional unit which was instrumental in bringing the new sound westwards.
Brian Gibbs forms ties with a cluster of artists during his extensive Asian travels and live dates, he settles in Japan.
Brian Gibbs moves to Tokyo in 2001 and begins to release music through the british Sheep label under the "Gunjack" moniker. After spending more time in Madrid/ Spain, working with a local record distributor and releasing hard-edge pounding techno he returned to LA in 2005.