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Juno Records

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Juno Records


Records on Juno Records
catalog# record title artists format
Total: 12 records
JUNO 01 In The Trees Faze Action 12"
JUNO 02 calypso of house Keytronics Ensemble 12"
JUNO 03 Clear Cybotron 12"
JUNO 03R Clear Cybotron 12"
JUNO 04 Just An Illusion Imagination 12"
JUNO 04R Burnin' Up Imagination 12"
JUNO 05 Alright Urban Soul 12"
JUNO 06 Fantasy Johnny Hammond 12"
JUNO 06R Fantasy Johnny Hammond 10"
JUNO 07 Think Twice Henrik Schwarz Remixes The Detroit Experiment 12"
JUNO 07R Think Twice Mark E Remixes The Detroit Experiment 12"
JUNO 10X Sense of Danger -Calibre Remix- Shara Nelson 12"

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