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CDs on Tempa
catalog# cd title artists format
Total: 19 CDs
TEMPACD 002 Dubstep Allstars Vol 1. Hatcha CD
TEMPACD 003 To The Rescue Horsepower Productions CD
TEMPACD 004 Dubstep Allstars Vol. 2 CD
TEMPACD 005 Dubstep Allstars Vol 3. Kode9 CD
TEMPACD 006 Dubstep Allstars Vol 4. Youngsta Hatcha 2xCD
TEMPACD 007 The Roots of Dubstep CD
TEMPACD 008 Skream! Skream CD
TEMPACD 009 Dubstep Allstars Vol.5 N-Type CD
TEMPACD 010 Diary of An Afro War Benga CD
TEMPACD 011 Dubstep Allstars Vol. 6 - Mixed by Appleblim CD
TEMPACD 012 Roots of El-B El B CD
TEMPACD 014 Nomad CD Headhunter CD
TEMPACD 015 Dubstep Allstars Vol. 7 Chefal Ramadanman 2xCD
TEMPACD 016 Outside The Box Skream CD
TEMPACD017 Quest For The Sonic Bounty Horsepower Productions CD
TEMPACD018 Dubstep Allstars Volume 8 – Mixed by Distance CD
TEMPACD019 Dubstep Allstars Vol.09 – Mixed by Silkie & Quest Various Artists CD
TEMPACD024 Inside Nomine   CD
Records on Tempa
catalog# record title artists format
Total: 85 records
MAGNET 001 The Cyberman EP Magnetic Man a.k.a. Skream & Benga & Artwork 12"
MAGNET002 Getting Nowhere Magnetic Man a.k.a. Skream & Benga & Artwork 12"
TEMPA 001 When You Hold me / Let's Dance Horsepower Productions 12"
TEMPA 008 Highland 12"
TEMPA 011 Dub Express DJ Hatcha 12"
TEMPA 012 Tempa Allstars Vol. 2 Various Artists 2x12"
TEMPA 013 Tempa Allstars Vol. 2 Various Artists 2x12"
TEMPA 014 Midnight Request Line / I Skream 12"
TEMPA 015 Degrees / Identify / Molecules D1 12"
TEMPA 016 Skreamizm Vol: 1 Skream 2x12"
TEMPA 017 Loefah Remixes Skream 12"
TEMPA 018 Ammuntion And Blackdown Present: The Roots Of Dubstep Various Artists 2x12"
TEMPA 019 Tempa Allstars Vol. 3 Various Artists 2x12"
TEMPA 020 Skreamizm Vol: 2 Skream 2x12"
TEMPA 021 Missin / Cocaine / Firing Blanks D1 12"
TEMPA 022 Tapped / Dutch Flowers Skream 12"
TEMPA 023 Fat Larrys Skank Kode9 feat. Benny Ill & The Culprit 12"
TEMPA 024 Tortured / Shattered Coki 12"
TEMPA 025 Trial Run EP D1 2x12"
TEMPA 026 Crunked Up / Elextro Music / Skunk Tip Benga 12"
TEMPA 027 Futurebound / Descent / Entity Headhunter 12"
TEMPA 028 Skreamizm Vol: 3 Skream 2x12"
TEMPA 029 Tempa Allstars 4 Various Artists 2x12"
TEMPA 030 Night / Drumz West / Emotions Benga 12"
TEMPA 030R Night Remixes Benga & Coki 12"
TEMPA 031 Initiate EP Headhunter 2x12"
TEMPA 032 Im Loving / Instep / Speed D1 12"
TEMPA 033 Skreamizm Vol: 4 Skream 2x12"
TEMPA 034 Trust Nobody / Future SP:MC 12"
TEMPA 035 Midnight Request Line Skream 12"
TEMPA 036 Decisions / Harajuku / Back In The Days TRG 12"
TEMPA 037 Benga EP Benga 2x12"
TEMPA 038 Physics Impulse Headhunter 12"
TEMPA 039 D1 V3 D1 2x12"
TEMPA 040 Skreamizm Vol: 5 Skream 3x12"
TEMPA 041 Tempa Allstars 5 Various Artists 2x12"
TEMPA 042 Damn It / Kingstep Horsepower Productions 12"
TEMPA 043 Buzzin' / One Million Benga 12"
TEMPA 044 Doors Of Perception / Leaves Data 12"
TEMPA 045 Taiko Dub / Bad Dreams SP:MC & Joker D 12"
TEMPA 046 Prototype Remix / Sex At The Prom Headhunter / Modeselektor 12"
TEMPA 047 3 Mad Ps / Experience / In Motion Headhunter 12"
TEMPA 048 Now You Know EP TRG 2x12"
TEMPA 049 Phaze One Benga 2x12"
TEMPA 050 Listenin' To The Records On My Wall / Give You Everything Skream 12"
TEMPA GROUN Grounded Headhunter 12"
TEMPA PROTO Prototype Headhunter 12"
TEMPA051 Tempa Allstars Vol. 6 Various Artists 2x12"
TEMPA052 Down / Judgement SP:MC & LX1 12"
TEMPA053-1 Where you should be Skream feat. Sam Frank 12"
TEMPA053-2 Where You Should Be remixes Skream feat. Sam Frank 12"
TEMPA055 Boomba / Carbon Alien Coki 12"
TEMPA056 The Roteks / Protected J : Kenzo 12"
TEMPA058 'The Lost Tapes EP Horsepower Productions 12"
TEMPA059 Good Ole Dayz / Justify Horsepower Productions 12"
TEMPA060 Hunted / Oh My Gosh SP:MC & LX One 12"
TEMPA061 Skreamizm Vol. 6 Skream 3x12"
TEMPA062 Ruffhouse/Therapy J:Kenzo 12"
TEMPA063 Anticipate feat. Sam Frank Skream 12"
TEMPA064 Formal Junction / Grunge Proxima 12"
TEMPA065 Dreams / Last Time Truth 12"
TEMPA066 Injunction/Chamber Music Consequence 12"
TEMPA067 Invaderz / Depth Charge J : Kenzo 12"
TEMPA068 Ill Minded/Contact Soap Dodgers 12"
TEMPA069 Lie Detection / Brainstem Proxima 12"
TEMPA070 Destruction / Poseidon Youngsta 12"
TEMPA071 Nomine's Sound / Searching Nomine 12"
TEMPA072 Skreamizm Vol. 7 Skream 3x12"
TEMPA074 Responsibility / No Cure LX One & Youngsta 12"
TEMPA093 Nomines Chant Nomine 12"
TEMPA097 Urban Gorilla J:Kenzo 12"
TEMPA098 Recall / Wiretrap Alex Coulton 12"
TEMPA099 Blind Man Nomine 12"
TEMPA100 Tempa 100 Various Artists 2x12"
TEMPA101 Avebury Appleblim 12"
TEMPA102 Hand To Hand Combat/Concealed Weapon Alex Coulton 12"
TEMPA103 Numbskull AXH 12"
TEMPACD021 Dubstep Allstars Vol.10 – Mixed by Plastician Various Artists 12"
TEMPALP 008 Skream! the album Skream 12"
TEMPALP 010 Diary of an Afro Warrior Benga 3x12"
TEMPALP 012 Roots of El-B El B 2x12"
TEMPALP 016 Outside The Box Skream 4x12"
TEMPALP017 Quest For The Sonic Bounty Horsepower Productions 3x12"
TEMPALP023 Alpha Proxima 2x12"
TEMPALP024 Inside Nomine Nomine 2x12"

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