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record distribution


catno. title label released format
1210 007 Camouflage / Black Cell 1210 Records 2003 12"
AT 004 Black Rose / Connected Audio Tactics 2009 12"
BSE012 One / Traum Black Sun Empire 2011 12"
CIAP 001 Triple Pack C.I.A. 2006 3x12"
CITRUS 031 New Zealand EP Citrus Recordings 2007 2x12"
CITRUSCD 003 Juiceblender 2 : Food For The Dogz Citrus Recordings 2008 CD
CITRUSLP 003 Juiceblender 2 : Food for the dogz Citrus Recordings 2008 4x12"
CYANIDE 011 Recoil / Syndicate Cyanide Recordings 2004 12"
CYANIDE 019 Reckless Abandon / Deliverance Cyanide Recordings 2006 12"
CYANIDE 022 Armour EP Part 3 Cyanide Recordings 2007 2x12"
CYANIDE 023 Camouflage 2007 / Anti Social Cyanide Recordings 2008 12"
CYANIDE 023*P Camouflage 2007 / Anti Social Cyanide Recordings 2007 12" PROMO
CYANIDE 025PT1 Dark Times And Desperate Measures Part 1 Cyanide Recordings 2008 12"
CYANIDE 025PT2 Dark Times And Desperate Measures Part 2 Cyanide Recordings 2008 12"
CYANIDE 025PT3 Dark Times And Desperate Measures Part 3 Cyanide Recordings 2008 12"
CYANIDE 030 Scatter The Ashes / Vulcanic Cyanide Recordings 2009 12"
CYANIDE 031 Oddball / 3 Of A Kind Cyanide Recordings 2009 12"
CYANIDE 033 Dark Times Cyanide Recordings 2010 12"
CYANIDECD 001 Dark Times, Desperate Measures Cyanide Recordings 2008 CD
FOKUZCD 004 Secrets of Saturn Fokuz Recordings 2009 2xCD
FOKUZLP 004 Secrets of Saturn Fokuz Recordings 2009 4x12"
HWARE 005 Detrimental EP Renegade Hardware 2008 12"
HWARE 009 Babylon LP Sampler Renegade Hardware 2008 12" P.DISC
HWARECD 003 Babylon CD Renegade Hardware 2008 2xCD
INFMS001 Freestyle Maniac / Gutterkrunk Infamous Recordingz 2010 12"
INFMS001*P Freestyle Maniac / Gutterkrunk Infamous Recordingz 2010 12" PROMO
MPR 06 Black Salvation / Abyss Eclosion Melting Pot 2007 12"
MPR 06*P Black Salvation / Abyss Eclosion Melting Pot 2007 12" PROMO
MPR 10 Shockwave EP Melting Pot 2009 2x12"
P51UK 012 Bunkerbuster / Smash Palace Project 51 2007 12"
P51UK 012*P Bunkerbuster / Smash Palace Project 51 2007 12" PROMO
RH 055 The Hardware Chronicles Volume 3 Renegade Hardware 2004 2x12"
RHLTD 003 Minds Eyes / Trail of Sevens Renegade Hardware 2006 12"
RISE 023 Whiskey Tango / The Sum Of All Things Uprising Records 2010 12"
RISECD003 The Enemy Within Uprising Records 2011 CD
RL 008 Universe / Rapture Red Light 2006 12"
RL 010 Unleash me / Obstruction Red Light 2006 12"
RL 010*P Unleash me / Obstruction Red Light 2006 12" PROMO
SMPTM 007 Smash & Grab / Taken Smptm 2010 12"
SMPTM 008 Control me / Thaw Sidechain remix Smptm 2010 12"
SOM011 Roulette / Micronaps SOM Music 2010 12"
SOM018 Roulette / Two Perfect Moments SOM Music 2018 12"
SYNDROME 007CD Syndrome Down CD Syndrome Audio 2007 2xCD
SYNDROME 007LP Syndrome Down LP Syndrome Audio 2007 3x12"
SYNDROME 009EP Between The Bars EP Syndrome Audio 2008 2x12"
SYNDROME 009EP*P Between The Bars EP Syndrome Audio 2008 2x12" PROMO
SYNDROME 013CD The Black Box Syndrome Audio 2008 CD
SYNDROME 015 Stranger Danger / That Dude's A Shapeshifter Syndrome Audio 2010 12"
SYNDROME 016 Grotesque / Dick Chainey Syndrome Audio 2010 12"

catno. title label released format
C2DEP 001-2 Silent Hell Remix / Sylar Close 2 Death 2008 12"
P51UKLP-02-S Void LP Sampler Project 51 2009 12"
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